Kindle For Mac Network Error

суббота 29 сентябряadmin

Kindle for Mac, Amazon’s Mac application that allows you to read Kindle e-books on your computer, has been updated and given a fresh coat of paint. Gramblr update. Amazon's updated reader now lets you add.

In order to access the Kindle Content folder, the actual folders you need to navigate through will be visible. In Finder, click on either the Boot Drive on your desktop, usually your only drive, or on the Boot drive, or the item in your left hand panel that corresponds to your User name, and then navigate to the correct path is as follows: ~/Library/Containers/ Support/Kindle/My Kindle Content/ Once you have access to your Kindle content, you can then copy the files to another folder to be processed for conversion, or whatever you plan to do with them. Once you've found your content folder, you can then go into Preferences in the Kindle App and change your destination folder.