Fix For 2012 Mac Min Fan Connection
Sorry for the redundancy. I also have popped off the fan connector, and with it have lost one of the four pads on the board. My fans are running extremely high (7+K RPM. I did the solder, and i'm guessing i bridge the solder in the fan connector, hence the high RPM. Does anyone suggest that i buy new fans and retry the solder, along with a better solder machine -weller wlc100, (not the cheap radioshack one ) with a micro tip and.5mm solder?
Apr 9, 2018 - What would it take for Apple to update the Mac mini to a modern. You can replace memory, drives, and -- as I show you in the video -- even fix the fan. Screws, pop off the connector, and do it all in reverse with the new fan. I'm running a 2008 black macbook core 2 duo pernyn model. I just went through a macbook fan replacement guide on and successfully replaced my fan with one hitch: I broke the fan power cable connector by accidentally prying off the connector from the board instead of just disconnecting the power cable; the guide wasn't specific as to what i was ripping off unfortunately.
As for the four pads in the board: can one chip off some flakes off the.5mm solder and solder this onto the board, or as suggested soldier the whole thing onto the board (the cable to the board?) thanks! Spss download for mac student kit. I ended up just getting a new logic board since it was having another issue with the integrated display chipset and it wasn't very expensive since it's an older one (~$100). I didn't have experience with soldering such tiny connections and didn't have the micro tip so it was easier for me this way rather than dealing with it.
The wires seems like a good idea though to deal with the tight space. So I guess look at how much a new logic board would be and see if it's worth it to buy the news fans and soldering equipment when that still might not work. For mine the fans had to remain removable to service other parts so soldering the cable to the board wouldn't have worked for me.
This is not a huge deal. I just accomplished this feat in less than 30 minutes with a $30 investment in a micro solder tip for my iron and 0.015' solder. You just have to have a little confidence and a little patience. If your fan connector breaks off, DO NOT PANIC! You do not need a professional.
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If you're looking for help on this site, then most likely, you have done small repairs before. So, here is what I did, and I believe if you found this column, you can probably do it to. Take the bottom cover off your Macbook Pro. Using a set of helping hands, I clipped the edge of the fan connector in the tip of the alligator clips, and positioned them directly where I needed the fan connector on the board. If you have a decent set and play around with the positioning this should not be a huge deal. Make sure you have a solder iron with a micro solder tip attached.
This will look like a bent tip that comes to a needle point. They can be found at radio shack, that is where I bought mine this morning. You need 0.015' solder. I would not attempt this with anything larger due to the solder wanting to 'jump connectors' when heated. With the fan connector in place, soldering iron heated up, 0.015' solder in hand; lightly touch the 0.015' solder with the iron just enough to solder the connection, YOU ONLY NEED A TINY DOT!